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October 23, 2006



Hanging out of her body? GROWTH?!??

If I never, ever read you blog again... you have this entry to thank!


Darth Putas aka Softball Slut

Good lord. *BARF, Retch* That was just wrong of you to share. Yuucckk. Man I think I am going to be sick.


HA HA HA HA HA!! I always wondered where all those type of people went to when I was curled up in the safety of my home!


I've often wondered what makes people feel it's OK to share that much personal information with complete strangers. Waiting rooms tend to bring out the freak in many people. ;)


PMSL!!!! man that is sooooo funny....... ever considered its because your regular readers are miffed you aint posting as much.....

keep up the good work


I didn't even know it was possible for anything to fall out! I am a tad freaked out by that but thankful all of my bits are where they should be!

OMG.... and the growth ... that just did me in. I can't even imagine.


F'in A. So much for that spinach dip I just got for a nice little snack! (Gag). Falling OUT? Um, what??



WTF?! Her...um....start to grow?! Like...ACK!

(why is it I always want to squeal after reading posts here???)

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